Eliminate data gaps and human error by provisioning roster information directly from source systems.
Roster data is critical to most education technology solutions. But when school districts and state agencies have to manually extract and share their roster data via spreadsheets, the process is fraught with inefficiencies and human error. It’s not only less effective for your technology, it’s also time-consuming and frustrating for your customers.
According to LearnPlatform, school districts use more than 6,700 education technologies, many of which require roster data.
Almost 12,000 school districts across 32 states have adopted the Ed-Fi Data Standard.
Thousands of school districts across 32 U.S. states have adopted the Ed-Fi Data Standard.
Using Ed-Fi’s technology, you can differentiate your product offerings with improved efficiency, increased integration across multiple systems, and greater customer satisfaction by accessing roster information directly from source systems using Ed-Fi’s API and tools.
All of Ed-Fi’s technologies, tools, and resources are free to access and use. Implementing the Ed-Fi rostering tool will require technology vendors to devote time to development and testing.
Yes, when planning Ed-Fi development, include the need to have multiple versions of Ed-Fi supported.
Ed-Fi has a robust governance process that manages the Ed-Fi Data Standard from input submitted from the Ed-Fi Community. Joining the Ed-Fi community is free and open to anyone in education.
Ed-Fi Certifications allow product developers to demonstrate a product’s fidelity to Ed-Fi standards and guidelines, and for purchasers or users to be confident that a product conforms to those same Ed-Fi standards and guidelines.
Ed-Fi Badges allow product developers to demonstrate support for Ed-Fi standards and technology, particularly in areas that are not yet covered by an Ed-Fi Certification.
Yes, at api.ed-fi.org.
Our Solution Guides are designed to help ed-tech vendors identify the data needed to meet their customers’ requirements.
To increase the value of your product offering and strengthen customer relationships, create an account to gain access to our step-by-step Solution Guide that will help you automate rostering.
The Rostering Solution Guide includes a demonstration guide, a quick start guide, and a developer guide that provide examples for developers to get acclimated with the Ed-Fi API quickly.
Already have an Ed-Fi Account? Log in to view the Rostering Solution Guide on Tech Docs.
Create an AccountThe Ed-Fi team is here to help. Reach out to us to learn more about how Ed-Fi can help you take on education’s biggest challenges with our technology suite, resources, and community of data problem solvers.